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Class Levels ...

Petite Combo Class

Ages 2-4. No previous training. Perfect way to get your little one started with the help of a parent.

Combo Class                               
Ages 4-6.  No previous training. Emphasis is on creative movement.

Ballet 1
Ages 6-9. Basic ballet technique with little or no prior training.

Ballet 2
Ages 8-12. Intermediate. 2-3 years prior training. Two classes per week recommended. ON HOLD

Ballet 3
Ages 12- up.  Intermediate - Advanced Ballet with emphasis on Beginning pointe technique. Three classes per week required.  Four classes per week recommended.

Mini Hip Hop

Ages 5-7.  No previous training. Emphasis is on creative movement.

Hip Hop 1

Ages 8-12. No Previous Training. Emphasis on Creative movement and musicality

Advance Hip Hop 

Ages 10 - up. Basic knowledge of Hip Hop required. Emphasis rhythm and musicality.

Special Needs Hip Hop 

For Teens & Adults. Basic knowledge of Hip Hop required. Emphasis rhythm and musicality. 

Mini Jazz/ Hip Hop

ages 5-7. No Previous training. Basic Jazz foundations. emphasis on memorization and stage personality

Jazz 1

Ages 8-14. No Previous training. Emphasis on Creative movement and musicallity

 Jazz 2

ages 11-18. Basic knowledge of Jazz, rhythm and musicality. Emphasis on Flexibility. ON HOLD

Advanced Jazz

Ages 13-up. Thorough knowledge of Sap, rhythm and musicality. Emphasis on flexibility and Stage performance.

Tap 1

ages 5-7. No Previous training. Basic Tap foundations. emphasis on memorization and stage personality

Tap 2

ages 11-18. Basic knowledge of tap, rhythm and musicality. Emphasis on timing. ON HOLD

Advanced Tap

Ages 13-up. Thorough knowledge of Tap, rhythm and musicality. Emphasis on timing and Stage performance. ON HOLD

Beginner Modern/Lyrical 

ages 5-7. No Previous training. Basic modern foundations. Emphasis on expression, improvisation and stage personality

Intermediate Modern

Ages 8-14.Basic knowledge of Ballet and or Jazz is recommended. Emphasis on Creative movement expression, and musicality. ON HOLD

 Advanced Modern

ages 11-18. Basic knowledge of Ballet and or Jazz is recommended. Emphasis on Flexibility, expression and improvisation. ON HOLD 

Intermediate Contemporary

Ages 10-up. Emphasis on flexibility and Stage performance and Expression. ON HOLD

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